Friday, March 1, 2013

Old Testament Religion Class Post

***This post is for a religion class I'm taking***

Choice 1: Numbers 1, 26. Why is this Book Called “Numbers?”
Read the chapter summaries for Numbers 1 and 26 and the Institute Student Manual introduction to Numbers 1-12 (pg. 197). Then answer the following questions in writing:
•        Why do you think this book carries the title of “Numbers”?
According to the institute student manual, “Numbers” refers to the census given at the beginning of the book, but does not refer to the content of the book.
•        What time period of Israel’s history does Numbers cover?
Numbers covers about 40 years, the time in which the men were wandering in the wilderness.
•        How many males 20 years of age and older were there at the beginning of the children of Israel’s sojourn into the wilderness? How many were there after 40 years in the wilderness?
When the children of Israel began their journey to the wilderness, there were 603,550 men 20 yrs. and older. Throughout the wandering, 250 rebelled as well as Datham, Korah and Abiram (Numbers 16). The Lord also sent a plague after the children of Israel complained. The plague killed 14,700.


  1. What a coincidence! I just started reading Numbers last night. Does your religious class cover the entire Old Testament?

    1. That's awesome!!! It doesn't cover the whole Old Testament (at least not now). But there's a manual we use to help us understand everything and that does cover it all. It's been a great class so far!!
